Full- bodied, The Har Odem Syrah is also soft and velvety. It's aroma and flavors are reminiscent of blackberry , violet enhanced by hints of mint somewhat earthy, impressive presence that continues an endless extension.
The grapes originate at Neve Ativ Vineyard and Kfar Yuval Vineyard.
Neve Ativ vineyard is located on the boundary of the Golan heights and mount Hermon, due to its presence This vineyard has the special combination of basaltic soil , limestone and most important outstanding microclimate.
Kfar Yuval vineyard is planted on the slopes of Ramim ridge at the Upper Galilee. This vineyard enjoys unique combination of basaltic soil, lime conglomerates.
The grapes were harvested by hand at dawn and brought to the winery for a prolonged cool fermentation which extracts the tastes, scents and colors, while in stainless steel tanks.
The wine was subsequently aged in French oak barrels for 18 months.