This wine has a dark red hue and a bouquet filled with red fruit spiced with notes of elegant oak. On the palate, the wine is medium bodied with bold tannins attributed to the virtues of this variety
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This wine has a dark red hue and a bouquet filled with red fruit spiced with notes of elegant oak. On the palate, the wine is medium bodied with bold tannins...
Color | Red |
Country of manufacture | Israel |
Kosher for passover | Yes |
Mevushal | Yes |
Regions | Samson israel |
Size | 750ml |
Supervision | Badats jerusalem |
Type | Wine |
Wine varietal | Cabernet - merlot |
This wine has a dark red hue and a bouquet filled with red fruit spiced with notes of elegant oak. On the palate, the wine is medium bodied with bold tannins attributed to the virtues of this variety
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